Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mustache Update

A lot of you are probably wondering how Nate's facial hair is doing, so here's a quick update.

As you can see, it looks pretty OK from the front. The hope is that what he lacks in density he will make up in length.

He gets into a little trouble here on the sides and underneath, but overall it's looking good, kinda.

The Japanese aren't really known for having bushy, Al Borland-esque whiskers. In fact, I'd say Nate's facial hair abilities are slightly better than those of the Japanese. So Nate draws a lot of stares from strangers on the subway. And I'm pretty sure he frightened a little school girl when he said "konnichiwa" to her the other day.

But Nate's dad has a wicked beard, so we've got high hopes.

Coming soon: pics of my armpit hair


Unknown said...

This is already far more impressive than I expected.

Derekh said...

The mustache looks amazing. The side hair is questionable.

I had a nightmare with you in it last night. A bunch of us - me, you, JK, johnny - were hanging out in this outdoorsy area. We were hopping between trees and having a grand old time. Then this giant beetle appeared. It was 2 feet long and black. The weird thing was it moved bipedally, like an ape.

So we see this thing, and then it jumps at JK, who freaks and knocks it off of him (whew!), but then it jumps onto you. You can't shake it. It won't release. So someone suggests "Bite its head off!." So then in a fight or flight moment you do that, and successfully, the body, still attached by some tendons (do beetles have tendons?) flails about.

Then you start to get all F'ed up, and you say something "oh no," and your eyes roll back in your head, as if the beetle contained some toxin. In your subdued state the rest of the beetle body - which apparently still has consciousness - burrows inside of your head via your mouth.

The last image of the dream is your face being split apart by this headless beetle.

I woke up, upset.

What does it mean, Nate? What does it mean.

(Be safe.)

so long marianne said...

In response to Derekh's amazing dream/nightmare, I think you're worried about Nate not having enough to eat. I want to say "Don't worry!" But, I am also concerned that they will eat something weird and morph into something hideous.